Dave McGowan – investigative journalist & internet activist





David McGowan (March 25 1960 – November 22, 2015) was an investigative journalist, author and internet activist, with a focus on deep politics.

He was an early critic of the US government’s official narrative about the events of September 11, 2001.

He died aged 55, on the 52nd anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, 6 months after being diagnosed with an unusually aggressive form of lung cancer.


Dave McGowan was born and raised in Torrance, California. He graduated from UCLA with a degree in psychology.


Since 1990, McGowan ran a small business in the greater Los Angeles area.

He was a dogged veteran of deep politics and deep events well before the term “Conspiracy theory” became ubiquitous in the wake of the 9-11 attacks.

He has published a number of books on various aspects of the excercise of occult power.


On 14 April 2015, I presented a lengthy video deconstruction of the 2013 Boston Marathon incident through the Caravan to Midnight radio show/podcast.

Not long after that, someone using the username Phoenix Archangel posted an interesting comment: “John [Wells, the host of the show] always signs off with some of the best advice ever.

Speaking of advice: this David McGowan fella really ought to quit smoking.

With all the elitist feathers he’s ruffling, he’s likely to come down with a spontaneous case of hitherto undiagnosed stage 4 inoperable Pancreatic cancer.”

It’s a little on the long side and could use some serious editing, but it does succeed in completely laying waste to the official story of what happened in Boston on 15 April 2013.

Caravan To Midnight – Episode 269 David McGowan Talks Boston Marathon

As for Mr./Ms Archangel, he/she wasn’t too far off, though I’ve been told that it’s actually incurable small-cell lung cancer that has already spread to my liver and bones.

And no, that’s unfortunately not a joke. It’s my new reality as of just a few short weeks ago, when my entire world was turned upside-down and I suddenly found myself being admitted to the oncology ward at Glendale Adventist Medical Center.

Four days later, I was beginning my first round of chemotherapy infusions. The second round began on 15 June.

I’m still having a very hard time processing all of this. Despite not having the healthiest diet and not making the most healthy lifestyle choices, I have been remarkably healthy throughout my adult life. Until a few weeks ago, I’d never been hospitalized as an adult.

Never had any surgical procedures performed. Never had a major illness or significant injury. Never broke a bone in my body. Haven’t ever been reliant on any prescription drugs of any kind.

But now, literally overnight, that reality has been replaced with a painful and, if I’m being perfectly honest, terrifying new reality. Based on what my doctors have told me and what I have read, the prognosis is not good.

My oncologist seems to be of the opinion that I only have a couple years left on this planet, if that. The odds of surviving for even five more years are very, very low.

But I’ve never been one for taking advice or believing what I have been told. And I can be exceedingly stubborn. So if the medical community tells me that there is virtually no chance that I can survive this, I will do everything in my power to prove them wrong.

He has also published many studies of controversial events, notably the Apollo moonlandings, MKULTRA and the Laurel Canyon milieu of the late 1960’s, the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, The Pedophocracy, the Boston Marathon bombings and many others.

He can fairly claim the title of The First 9-11 Sceptic, having published a thorough, sceptical analysis of the events of 9-11 less than 24 hours after the collapse of the towers.

He had three daughters who republished his work from the former, now deactivated, website.


Some Of Dave’s Best Stuff

Moon Landings like you’ve never heard

Moon Landings like you’ve never heard

Freaky things happened in LA in 1969

Freaky things happened in LA in 1969


Some Of My Links Are Ads, Which I Can Earn From, If I Qualify


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Some Other Interesting Stuff

All about Miles Mathis

All about Miles Mathis

Some shit about Alex Jones

Some shit about Alex Jones – good guy really – does a great Bill Hicks impression


Hoaxes Galore – Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

Hoaxes Galore – Some Superb Case Studies

Some Superb Case Studies – Coming soon to a place near you

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants


Be Sure To Check Out Some Supportive Future Projects

Supportive Future Projects

Supportive Future Projects – some ads to keep us going


Categories: Uncategorized

17 Replies to “Dave McGowan – investigative journalist & internet activist”

  1. Hi James, Just found this blog looking for Dave McGowans work on the plethora of mkultra mind bent individuals- (patsys) that shadow government has created, for their gun control black psy’op ¨events¨.
    I hope you sorted out your cancer. Never fear cancer but conventional medicine will kill you quick and they´ll tell you it was the cancer. Cancer needn´t be a long or expensive battle. You´ll start to feel better within two weeks on Rick Simpson recipe full plant oil. Make it yourself. Or you also can cure cancers with bi-carb soda, hydrogen peroxide 35%, apple cider vinegar, or even more simply, your own mind. We all go back home anyway so it´s not such a bad plan when our time comes. If you go before me, please tell Dave I wanna smoke some heavenly weed with him, best luck, elissa

      1. James, are you now cancer-free, or was elissa mistaken about who it was, above (you or McGowan) who had disclosed a cancer diagnosis? The above text is difficult to interpret.

  2. Hey is that Elissa Hawke,

    I literally just watched interview with a younger Jeff Berwick in which you made reference to Dave’s work.

    So I immediately checked it out and was sad to discover Dave’s passing.

    You are correct.

    Morris Fairbetter

    http:/ /chevellezone.com

  3. McGowan is an inspiration to investigative journalists everywhere:

    https:/ /onegreatworknetwork.com/mark-devlin/mark-devlin-guests-on-dr-andrew-kaufman-s-medicamentum-authentica-show

    Like so many others brave enough to dig for the TRUTH – Dave paid the ultimate price.

  4. “With all the elitist feathers he’s ruffling, he’s likely to come down with a spontaneous case of hitherto undiagnosed stage 4 inoperable Pancreatic cancer.”

    William Melvin Hicks. Comes to mind immediately.
    https:/ /tinyurl.com/yck5cbmb

    https:/ /twitter.com/JasonRCravens

  5. Great summary of Dave McGowan. Interesting comment thread also. When my youngest brother first told me about McGowan’s Weird Scenes Laurel Canyon book, I didn’t want to hear it. Now I think it should be mandatory reading, along with “The Memoirs of Billy Shears” by Tim Uharriet (and Billy, of course). Weird scenes indeed. Cheers!

    https:/ /www.youtube.com/channel/UCjMRWOMvbhUqyrC2-VgUczg

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